Fructose is a natural, highly soluble sugar which has the highest sweetening capacity of all types of sugar; it has twice as much sweetening power compared to the white sugar.
Fructose can be used independently or in combination with other sweeteners. It is a great sweetener for sports drinks and is especially recommendable for athletes.
Fructose can be used in preparation of pickling, jams, compotes or sweets. It improves the taste and quality of chocolate, jelly and caramel. By adding it in cookies, it improves their moisture, and can be also used as a sweetener in your breakfast of whole grains.
The superior taste and high quality of the fructose is suitable for family members who practice special diets, such as diets for weight loss or diabetes, since in this way the preparation of specific meals is avoided.
Recommended daily intake is 40-60g evenly consumed throughout the day. It has great sweetening power: 60g fruitin is a substitute for 100g white sugar.
Therefore, think about what sugar you use and make a healthy and quality choice.
Energy value: 100g Frutin sugar contains 398kcal
4g/ 1 tsp Frutin sugar contains 15.9 kcal