Looking for something quick, tasty, healthy and at the same time practical for breakfast? The new Vitalia oat meals are prepared in 2 minutes with a little milk, water or yogurt and a lot of enjoyment.
Enriched with B vitamins, Vitalia oatmeal supplies the body with the necessary nutrients for successful functioning of metabolic processes and brain function.
Cranberries, buckwheat and oat flakes are the ingredients of our new oatmeal, which is ready in 2 minutes. Instant oat meal with a new cranberry taste and many health benefits.
73% wholegrain oat flakes
With superfood quinoa
Source of fiber
With carefully chosen ingredients:
The oat is a grain with incredible characteristics containing a line of nutrients important for the growth, building and protection of the human body. Whole-grain oats are rich in protein, vitamins (vitamins B, vitamins K, E, D and provitamin A), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese and sodium) and essential amino acids.
Cranberry is a fruit naturally rich in fiber that maintains healthy digestion. It is a source of vitamin C, calcium and magnesium, which boost a healthy immune system.
Quinoa is a grain food with a very high percentage of protein in its composition. This superfood contains two essential acids: lysine and isolevicin, which the body cannot make and needs to include quinoa in the diet.
Recommended daily intake: Oatmeal with cranberry and quinoa is a meal for a balanced start of the day. In a 2000kcal adult diet requirements, we recommend 1-2 meals (60g/meal).
How to prepare: Soak the content of the box of oat meal in milk, yogurt or plant-based drink (almond, coconut, rice and soya), stir and enjoy. For the lovers of a hot creamy meal, we recommend you soak it in hot milk.